
Nationwide Amazon Cookie Recall As FDA Sets Highest Risk Level

A recall for two brands of cookies produced by Amazon Fresh has been issued by the Food and Drug Administration.

The FDA issued a Class 1 classification for the recall, the highest risk level, which describes potential outcomes that include “serious adverse health consequences or death.”

Newsweek contacted Amazon for more information on the recall via email.

Why It Matters

The two items were recalled due to undeclared egg found in the products, one of the nine main allergens in the U.S. Some egg allergies can progress to severe, life-threatening allergic reactions called anaphylaxis.

The FDA has said that this can cause people to suffer constricted airways in the lungs, severe lowering of blood pressure and shock, and suffocation by swelling of the throat and larynx.

What To Know

The two products subject to recall are the Amazon Fresh Jumbo Sugar Cookie and the Bake at Home Jumbo Sugar Cookie, both of which contained undeclared egg.

According to the recall document, which was issued on January 25, both products were distributed nationwide.

Amazon Fresh Recall
The exterior of an Amazon Fresh grocery store is seen on December 12, 2024 in Federal Way, Washington.

Getty Images

A combined total of 52 packets of cookies were affected by the two recalls. At time of writing, both recalls are “ongoing,” according to the FDA, with no termination date for either product set.

A Class 1 recall is the highest the FDA can issue, and is only used in situations “in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of, or exposure to, a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.”

What People Are Saying

The Food and Drug Administration said on their allergens website: “Food allergies and other types of food hypersensitivities affect millions of Americans and their families.

“Food allergies occur when the body’s immune system reacts to certain proteins in food. Food allergic reactions vary in severity from mild symptoms involving hives and lip swelling to severe, life-threatening symptoms, often called anaphylaxis, that may involve fatal respiratory problems and shock.

“While promising prevention and therapeutic strategies are being developed, food allergies currently cannot be cured. Early recognition and learning how to manage food allergies, including which foods to avoid, are important measures to prevent serious health consequences.”

What Happens Next

The recall is expected to continue for several days while stores identify the products in question.

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