
Exhausted Dog Refuses to Nap While Builders Are Over: ‘Need to Protect Us’

A protective rescue dog refused to go down for her usual daytime nap while builders were still in her owner’s house.

In a video originally posted to TikTok under the handle ksam325, Billy the dog can be seen “pulling an all-dayer” while the work is being done. “They’ve been putting in a new front door, so that’s usually her territory,” her owner told Newsweek.

“Since the door is open all day we have to put our three indoor cats upstairs and Billy wonders about them too. She feels the need to protect us so she hasn’t wanted to go to sleep when they’re here just in case we need her.”

Dogs like to sleep. A lot. While most adult humans aim to get around seven to nine hours of sleep at night, dogs do things a little differently.

“Dogs should sleep anywhere from 10 to 14 hours during the day on average,” says Dr. Amy Stone, DVM and clinical associate professor at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine told Newsweek.

It can sometimes feel like dogs sleep most of the time but that’s mainly down to the fact they are more prone to catching a quick nap or two during the day, rather than sleeping through the night. Stone said there’s a specific reason for that.

“Dogs listen to their bodies more than humans do,” she said. “When the signals to the brain tell them to sleep, they do.” That makes Billy’s efforts in this instance quite unique, though her owner puts some of it down to her breed.

“She usually relaxes inside but she has been wanting to walk in and out of the house to supervise,” she said. “Billy is a herding breed so I’m not surprised. She’s very keen when anything in her environment changes.”

Billy the tired but protective rescue dog.
Billy the dog is exhausted. But she won’t rest while builders are in the house.


Then again, Billy’s desire to oversee things might come down to the fact she’s a rescue dog and feels a little protective of the family that gave her a second chance at life.

In truth though, it was Billy that gave her family a second chance. They were hurting following the sad death of a beloved senior dog but seeing Billy’s picture on the Petfinder website changed all that.

“Her name was Butters but it didn’t really fit her,” Billy’s owner said. “She really charmed us.” Also known as Baker or the Baconator around the house, Billy has been a much loved member of the family ever since.

“She’s so sweet and super playful and really smart,” her owner said. “Her favorite things to do are walk of course! And she enjoys window-watching and also playing with the cats when they’ll let her. She’s really affectionate and quiet but can also be spunky at times.”

Now if those pesky builders could finish up, then Billy could get back to another of her favorite things, napping the day away.

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