
Fox News Host Calls Out Marjorie Taylor Greene for Causing ‘Disruption’

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday confronted Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s effort to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson for causing a “disruption” amid the 2024 election.

Greene, a Georgia Republican, announced last week that she planned to call a vote on her previously unprivileged motion to vacate Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, sparking criticism from several members of the GOP who warned the move may be damaging to the party. However, on Wednesday Democrats joined Republicans in a 359-43 vote to kill the motion.

Greene introduced the motion to vacate Johnson in March after he passed the $1.2 trillion spending package with Democratic support to fund the government. Greene, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, has continued to scrutinize Johnson over his support for the bipartisan spending bill that includes $60.8 billion of aid to Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia. Meanwhile, Johnson has continued to face mounting criticism from House conservatives as he pushed forward the bill, which passed House legislation late last month.

In an interview on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, Bartiromo confronted the congresswoman about the timing of her efforts to oust Johnson as she pointed towards the 2024 presidential election in which Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, is set to face off against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, President Joe Biden, in November.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, is seen in Washington, D.C., on May 8. Fox News host Maria Bartiromo confronted Greene’s effort to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson for causing a “disruption” amid the…

ALLISON BAILEY/Middle East Images/AFP/Getty Images

“You say you are supporting President Trump, but is now the time for this disruption, six months before the election to fight to get a new speaker in place?” she asked.

Greene responded: “I just spoke with President Trump yesterday about this, and while he says now is not the time, I’m gonna be listening to him. But he also said, and he said it in his statement publicly, that it may happen that the time may come. So even though if I wanted to do [a motion to vacate Johnson’s speakership] again this week, the Democrats have already stepped in and saved Johnson…People want a Republican Party that will fight.”

Newsweek has reached out to Greene’s office and Trump’s campaign via email for comment.

Meanwhile, Trump spoke about the congresswoman’s attempt to oust Johnson on Wednesday in a Truth Social post.

“I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene,” the former president wrote. “She’s got Spirit, she’s got Fight, and I believe she’ll be around, and on our side, for a long time to come. However, right now, Republicans have to be fighting the Radical Left Democrats, and all the Damage they have done to our Country.”

He continued: “With a Majority of One, shortly growing to three or four, we’re not in a position of voting on a Motion to Vacate. At some point, we may very well be, but this is not the time. If we show DISUNITY, which will be portrayed as CHAOS, it will negatively affect everything! Mike Johnson is a good man who is trying very hard.”

Greene has increasingly found herself isolated within her own party as her efforts garnered criticism from other Republicans.

Last week, Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, rebuked her effort to oust Johnson, telling The Hill that it was an “utterly ridiculous” and “counterproductive” plan.

GOP South Dakota Representative Dusty Johnson said at the Capitol ahead of the resolution vote on Wednesday, “All of us in life get to decide how we handle disappointment: you can be productive or you can be destructive. Ms. Marjorie Taylor Greene is choosing destructive.”

However, Greene has previously fired back at her critics as she said that she doesn’t “give a rat’s a**” what her colleagues think about her hopes to remove Johnson.

“I voted for Mike Johnson because his voting record before he became speaker was conservative. But once he became speaker, he has become a man that none of us recognize,” the congresswoman said earlier this month at a news conference.

Speaking to reporters after the vote on Wednesday, Johnson described it as a “misguided effort,” and said that he hoped this would be the end of “personality politics” and “frivolous character assassination.”