
Golden Retriever Falls In Love With ‘Biggest Dog You’ll Ever See’ on Walk

Every moment is exciting for this golden retriever, but none more so than when she gets to see one of her best friends—who also happens to be the biggest dog she’s ever laid eyes on.

Going for a walk is the highlight of Charlie’s day, especially when she makes new friends in her Houston neighborhood. But any day she gets to see her favorite dog, Ollie, is sure to be great because the two pups just love their morning catchups.

Charlie’s owner, Emily Schaefer, 26, told Newsweek that they walk by Ollie’s house every day in the hopes of seeing him, and it’s even become “Charlie’s favorite part of the walk.” As soon as she sees him, she starts wiggling her entire body and they will touch noses through the gaps in the fence.

Indeed, it doesn’t even matter how far they are to Ollie’s house because there’s no stopping Charlie’s tail from wagging with sheer excitement. Schaefer added that her 8-month-old pup will get excited by just turning onto Ollie’s street because she knows exactly where they’re heading.

Golden retriever meeting friend
Charlie the golden retriever meeting Ollie, whose breed is unknown. Charlie and Ollie love catching up during her walks, and they always have to say hello to one another.

@charliethegoldenpuppy3 / TikTok

“They always sniff each other, and Charlie is constantly wagging her tail and wiggling her butt because she is so excited. Ollie is quite lazy, so sometimes he will only get up to greet her, but Charlie’s day still gets made,” Schaefer said.

“I think it’s hilarious when they are together because Charlie is way over the top excited, while Ollie is so chill in comparison.”

Charlie is incredibly social, and any time she sees another dog during a walk, she has to go over and say hello. This is a common trait among goldens, as the American Kennel Club suggests that they’re incredibly affectionate with family and great with other dogs too. They’re very open to strangers and are renowned for their playfulness, so everyone they meet is bound to become their newest friend.

Schaefer is uncertain of Ollie’s breed, but he is much larger than Charlie. Regardless of his large frame, he is incredibly gentle with the golden retriever pup, and he’s always very welcoming when she stops by.

Schaefer couldn’t resist recording one of their encounters and sharing it on Charlie’s dedicated TikTok account (@charliethegoldenpuppy3). The video of Charlie meeting “the biggest dog you’ll ever see” has delighted many, already gaining more than 57,100 views and over 2,800 likes on TikTok.

“The reaction has been great, I think a lot of people think it’s really funny seeing them together,” Schaefer told Newsweek.

Charlie’s reaction to seeing her bestie has certainly melted hearts. One comment reads, “This is SO cute.”

Another TikToker wrote: “Awhhh wiggle butt. Love it!”

One person commented: “The butt wiggles are the best!”

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