
Letitia James, Stop Politicizing Women’s Choices

New York Attorney General Letitia James has targeted organizations designed to help pregnant women, with the intent to hide vital information from them. This is deeply disturbing. In the battle over reproductive rights, the rights of women facing unplanned pregnancies often get lost in the shuffle. I have witnessed firsthand how, for many women, an unplanned pregnancy can feel like an insurmountable obstacle, which is why they deserve access to all possible information and support.

AG James’ actions would keep them from this help.

On April 22, Attorney General James sent a “Notice of Intention to Sue” to at least a dozen life-affirming organizations. The threat letter falsely accuses pregnancy help organizations of “repeated and persistent misleading statements and omissions” related to abortion pill reversal (APR). James provided the organizations only five business days to explain why she should not sue them for false advertising.

It is time to stop politicizing a woman’s right to continue her pregnancy. New York’s attempts to suppress life-saving information about abortion pill reversal not only disregard the fundamental principles of informed choice but also jeopardize the health and well-being of countless women. By targeting not-for-profit life-affirming pregnancy help organizations, Attorney General James is effectively denying women access to crucial information and support, leaving them with the false belief that they have no option but to proceed with unwanted abortions.

APR offers a safe and effective alternative for women who change their minds after taking the first abortion pill and before taking the second. Contrary to what has been widely claimed, APR is not merely a theoretical concept—it is backed by scientific evidence and the lived experiences of thousands of women who have successfully reversed their chemical abortions and saved their babies. In fact, one study, while incomplete, demonstrated an effective reversal rate of 80 percent, highlighting the potential of this life-saving intervention. Moreover, progesterone, the key component of the procedure, has been safely used with pregnant women since the 1950s, underscoring its reliability and efficacy.

Letitia James
NEW YORK, NY – FEBRUARY 16: Attorney General Letitia James speaks during a press conference following a verdict against former U.S. President Donald Trump in a civil fraud trial on February 16, 2024 in New…

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Let’s look at the proof. Krystle found herself in a state of confusion after taking the first abortion pill. Thanks to access to APR through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, she was able to connect with a doctor who provided her with the protocol that ultimately saved her son’s life. Krystle’s story is a testament to the power of informed choice and the importance of preserving women’s autonomy. Thankfully, her story is not unique and statistics show more than 5,000 lives have been saved via APR.

Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting APR, Attorney General James continues to target pregnancy help organizations that offer alternatives to abortion. This discriminatory practice not only violates the organizations’ fundamental rights, including freedom of speech and equal protection under the law, but also undermines the essence of health care itself. Women’s health should never be a pawn in political agendas, and denying access to crucial options like APR only serves to perpetuate injustice and inequality.

That’s why Heartbeat International, alongside a collection of pregnancy help organizations, has taken legal action against Attorney General James’ office. With representation by the Thomas More Society, we are challenging these unjust practices and fighting to ensure that women facing unplanned pregnancies have access to the information and support they need to make choices that align with their values and beliefs.

Denying women access to APR denies them real choice. Every woman deserves the freedom to make decisions about her pregnancy with dignity and support. Attorney General James should never make it so any woman ever feels forced to complete an abortion she no longer wants.

Andrea Trudden is vice president of communications at Heartbeat International.

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.