
‘Wordle’ Today #1,334 Hints and Answer for Wednesday, February 12 Game

If you are addicted to Wordle, you’re not alone. The fun word-based game tests players’ vocabulary, but it can sometimes be tricky to solve. Luckily, Newsweek has provided some helpful hints for game #1,334 so you can continue—or start—your winning streak.

Software engineer Josh Wardle created the brainteaser, with its title being a play on his name. The New York Times acquired Wordle in 2022.

Businesswoman Smiles Holding Mobile Phone in Office
Stock image: A businesswoman smiles while using her cellphone in an office.

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Despite developing the game, Wardle previously told Newsweek he’s “not very good at it” and hesitated to give users’ advice.

“I think, with this sort of game, part of the joy is discovering those things for yourself, right? So I’m reluctant to tell anybody how they should play,” Wardle said in 2022. He added: “One thing I will say is that a lot of people tend to think that the game is just about finding those green and gold letters. If you get those, then you theoretically have the information you need, but you don’t want to get too hung up on that.”

Wardle continued: “Even when you have most of the letters, it’s still worth using a couple of tries to just narrow down the options further. It’s often just as important to learn what letters aren’t in a word. That information can actually be more powerful in a lot of ways, and you don’t necessarily realize it at first.”

The goal of Wordle is for players to guess the five-letter word within six attempts before the answer is revealed. Hints are given along the way with color-coded tiles: Green tiles indicate the letter is correct and in the right place; yellow tiles indicate the letter is in the word, but not in the correct spot; and gray tiles reveal the letter is not in the word.

‘Wordle’ #1,334, Clues for Wednesday, February 12

Newsweek‘s hints for today’s Wordle are:

Hint #1: It starts with the letter “R.”

Hint #2: The answer can be an adjective or a noun.

Hint #3: It has two syllables.

Hint #4: There are no repeated letters.

Hint #5: A synonym is “quick.”

‘Wordle’ #1,334, Answer for Wednesday, February 12

The answer to today’s Wordle is “Rapid.”

Merriam-Webster says that, as an adjective, the word is defined as, “marked by a fast rate of motion, activity, succession, or occurrence.”

As a noun, the term means, “a part of a river where the current is fast and the surface is usually broken by obstructions—usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction.”

If you managed to solve today’s puzzle, congratulations. But, if you didn’t, don’t worry. Wordle is released at midnight in your local time zone, which means you will get another chance to play on Thursday.

Counting down the minutes until the next Wordle is released? Try these other challenging word games while you wait.

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